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Step by step video at bottom of page - how to set these examples up

You made a new friend today and want to develop a relationship with this person. 

This reminder app will blow you away - too many amazing things you can do with it.

Your relative needs your support.  Continuity and consistency are key words when you are so busy yourself.  This app is crazy good for this.

You had a nice romantic dinner with your partner 3 days ago and want to start being more regular doing this. 

After using this app, you'll wonder how you managed without it.

You attended a family function last week and would like to be reminded periodically when this event took place - for all kinds of different reasons.

Do you have many friends and can't keep track when you last saw all of them?  Perfect.

This app will blow you away!

Do you know when you hosted your last dinner party?

Want to try another one?  Let this reminder thing help you!


Step by step "how to" video

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